SwiftUI: SF Symbols NOT displayed on device

I'm following tutorials "https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/handling-user-input". After adding the yellow star using SF Symbols, I found that the symbols is missing using live mode either on device(iPhone X and iPad Pro 10.5) or on the simulators. I tested on the completed sample file and the issue reappears. I'm using the macOS beta 2, xcode beta 2 and ios beta 2.

The code to draw the star:

Image(systemName: "star.fill")



This issue reappears whether using modifiers or not.

Accepted Reply

Got an answer, it seems like a xcode beta bug. Switch to iPhone XR simulator can be a solid workaround for now.


Got an answer, it seems like a xcode beta bug. Switch to iPhone XR simulator can be a solid workaround for now.