SwiftUI Tutorials Need Updating for PresentationButton in Beta 2

PresentationButton init has been altered for Xcode 11 Beta 2 to use a ViewBuilder - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/presentationbutton/3326830-init?changes=latest_beta

Examples listed in SwiftUI Tutorials Need Updating

From: Working with UI Controls Tutorial

Home.swift - Beta 1 code



Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")


.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))


destination: ProfileHost()



Home.swift - Beta 2 code



destination: ProfileHost(), label:

{ Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")


.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))






In Composing Complex Interfaces it should be: "destination: Text("User Profile"),"

            destination: Text("User Profile"),     
            label: { Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
                 .accessibility(label: Text("UserProfile"))

Took me 30 minutes to figure that one out 😝

Thank you midnight beep, This helped emensly. I am learning Swift at the same time as SwiftUI (30+ years of C/C++ and 20 years of Objecte-C background). For those in the same boat, this is an Auto Closure as referenced in "The Swift Programming Language Guide".

Oh duh, I had just started bashing my head against that one.. thanks Saved me a bit of time.