UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout cannot ignore safe area

Hi, I use simple UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout and cannot figure out how to force UICollectionView to not adjust content insets. I use very simple layout with cell of size of a screen with image view on it. I was able to achieve this with just FlowLayout.

Is there any way to force ignore safe area margins?

Same thing in 13.1beta 3

Unfortunately there is nothing in the API surface for compositional layout to allow for this, so (for now at least) you have to override manually.

Luckily it's very trivial to do:

class CollectionView : UICollectionView {

  private var _safeAreaInsets:UIEdgeInsets?
  override var safeAreaInsets:UIEdgeInsets {
    get { _safeAreaInsets ?? super.safeAreaInsets }
    set { _safeAreaInsets = newValue }



myCollectionView.safeAreaInsets = UIEdgeInsets()

REFERENCE: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59600751/24177

It's now possible on iOS and tvOS 14.
You have to use the contentInsetsReference property.

You can set for a specific NSCollectionLayoutSection:
Code Block swift
let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group)
section.contentInsetsReference = .none

Or you can set for the whole UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration:
Code Block swift
let configuration = UICollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration()
configuration.contentInsetsReference = .none

UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout cannot ignore safe area