Xcode beta 11 simulator crashes with dyld error re AudioToolbox

(Copying this info from StackOverflow, so people can find it here in the beta section.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56455562/xcode-11-beta-simulator-crashes-when-trying-to-load-audiotoolbox )

So if you get these error message from dyld in the simulator:

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTISt11logic_error
  Referenced from: <<your program>>
  Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
in <<your program>>

or __ZTISt9bad_alloc error. then you've run into a bug in the iOS 13 Beta SDK. You can hack around it by editing the AudioToolbox.tbd file within the SDK to remove the __ZTISt11logic_error (et al) symbols that shouldn't have been exported from there.

Specifically, the file is at


and the lines you take out are:

    weak-def-symbols: [ __ZTI11CAException, __ZTIN8DSPGraph9ExceptionE, __ZTINSt3__112bad_weak_ptrE,
                        __ZTINSt3__117bad_function_callE, __ZTISt11logic_error, __ZTISt12length_error,
                        __ZTISt12out_of_range, __ZTISt13runtime_error, __ZTISt16invalid_argument,
                        __ZTISt18bad_variant_access, __ZTISt8bad_cast, __ZTISt9bad_alloc,
                        __ZTISt9exception, __ZTS11CAException, __ZTSN8DSPGraph9ExceptionE,
                        __ZTSNSt3__112bad_weak_ptrE, __ZTSNSt3__117bad_function_callE,
                        __ZTSSt11logic_error, __ZTSSt12length_error, __ZTSSt12out_of_range,
                        __ZTSSt13runtime_error, __ZTSSt16invalid_argument, __ZTSSt18bad_variant_access,
                        __ZTSSt8bad_cast, __ZTSSt9bad_alloc, __ZTSSt9exception ]