JS Speech Synthesis problem IOS

In my web app, I make the voice output in Javascript:

var vTextArea = document.getElementById ('vText Talk');
if (isBlank (vTextArea.value))
{vTextArea.value = document.getElementById ("Selection Talks"). value;}
var v Language settings = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance ();
vLanguage Settings.text = vTextArea.value;
vLanguage settings.lang = "de-DE";
v Language Settings.rate = 1;
v Language Settings.pitch = 1;
window.speechSynthesis.speak (vSprachEinstellungen);

It does not work at IOS 9.3, nothing is spoken.

Under IOS 12.3 it does not work the first time. From the second time regularly. As if you had to push the speech output.

Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

I found this:


unfortunately it does not solve my problem.

JS Speech Synthesis problem IOS