Xcode 11 Indexing

After a day or so of using Xcode 11, all of my projects have gotten into a state where they are just stuck on "Indexing" infinitely. It doesn't appear to be project specific as even making a new project has the same effect.

Obviously a beta, but does anybody have any workarounds? I've tried all the usual tricks to delete DerivedData and caches, reboots, etc. and nothing seems to have worked.

I'm in the same position. I've been using Xcode 11 on macOS 10.15 for the last few days to play around with some of the new Swift stuff. I've made several very small "Hello World" style applications.

Xcode 11's build system was quite buggy with numerous failures being shown even though the build was successful. But at least it was "working"... Up until this morning.

Since waking up this morning and trying to use Xcode, I'm stuck with "Indexing..." as well. One small project builds, but another doesn't. It worked fine a few hours ago!

I have "SourceKitService" and two "swift" processes running in Activity Monitor each around 90% CPU utilization. The Xcode activity bar says "Indexing..." but the process bar is not moving.

Like you, I've tried deleting every Xcode folder I can think of but to no avail. Rebooting didn't help either. There must be some other hidden folders where Xcode is caching data...

At the moment, Xcode 11 just became unusable for me and it's not obvious how to "Reset" it to whatever condition it was in last night when it was working...

Created a new project to figure out if it’s a problem with Xcode or with my project and the newly created project would build without problems.

So, then I went throgh the code changes of the project where I came across the same “Indexing...” problem. After resolving syntax errors that had not been automatically detected, Xcode was back to normal.

Same here, are you working on a Watch app by chance? when I look at the processes in suspect they all have watch bundles opened

Same problem, since this morning (6/18). Everything fine until yesterday. Very strange. What changed overnight???

New projects compile and run fine. Tried to rebuild my problem project by moving all source files to a brand new project. And, the "indexing" spinner is back.

Tried deleting and reinstalling XCode Beta, the Derived Data Folder, Clean Build Folder.

Out of ideas by now. Any help would be appreciated...

Activity monitor now shows User: 98.28% CPU load while "Indexing..." is spinning when trying to build...

Did you find out the problem?

This happened to me today. Did all the usuals which didn't help.

All previously working projects get the same problem after opening them. I even tried deleting the project I was working on today when the indexing thing occurred to no avail.

So it's either to wsit for beta 3 or if you perhaps found out if there was a work-around?

It was not working to me also...

Following some instructions found on the web, I updated the DeviceSupport folder and libMainThreadChecker.dylib with newer files, and it worked.

Unfortunatelly I can´t tell why.
Xcode 11 Indexing