How to set background color?


How do you change the background color in Swift UI?



Here's how I'm doing it. You call .background and add a shape with a foreground color.

Gray background:


Rounded rect with drop shadow (Shadow color is in my xcassets and is just black at 15% opacity):

.background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 8)
    .shadow(color: Color("Shadow"), radius: 8, x: 0, y: 4))

Any ideas to set it on the view itself? In the WWDC Implementing Dark Mode video they mention setting the Background color to the "System Background Color" at about the 7:25 mark. Of course, if you are not using Interface Builder you can't do this.

I managed to put a


in it and verified that it does set the view to red in both light and dark mode, but I am not sure how to use the .background to set the color to the "System Background Color"

Any tips?



I have not found this either, but I did notice that


produces the effect we are after, I suspect that there will be a few color choices like primaryBackground or whatever to be revealed in a future beta but I'd be interested to see what the correct solution is.

I have found a way to set the system background color using SwiftUI. It is pretty handy when you want the background color in dark mode of the modal view.

How to set background color?