SwiftUI Demo Issue

HI All:

I tried to follow the Landmarks tutorial for Swift UI and I'm stuck looking for the RESUME button as described in the tutorial. It is absolutely nowhere to be found I only have this little picture of a code spippet instead of the actual device preview:

Has anyone else experienced this or even better, know how to fix it?



Answered by jasonhawkins in 362887022

This is correct, at least in Beta 1. According to the Xcode 11 Beta Release Notes, "Tools for SwiftUI development are only available when running on macOS 10.15 beta."

I think you need to have Catalina installed.😟

Accepted Answer

This is correct, at least in Beta 1. According to the Xcode 11 Beta Release Notes, "Tools for SwiftUI development are only available when running on macOS 10.15 beta."

Thank you!

SwiftUI Demo Issue