auto renewable subscription stop working after review

My new app version just got approved and with confirmation email I also got email from review team with subject Marketing Opt-in Incentive Not Available for Your Subscription.

This version contains new subscription items for (1, 6 and 12 months)

And with this new version, my subscriptions stop working. They are working in sandbox env, but doesn't show up in app store build.

What might be wrong?

Email text below:

Marketing Opt-in Incentive Not Available for Your Subscription

Dear ...,

This is a courtesy notice to inform you that although your recently submitted app, <app name>, includes auto-renewable In-App Purchase subscriptions, it is not eligible for the marketing opt-in incentive.

As a result, the marketing opt-in incentive option will be disabled in iTunes Connect and you will not be able to offer free extensions of auto-renewable In-App Purchase subscriptions in exchange for the right to send marketing materials.

If you have any questions about this, contact


App Review