How do I generate a new random color every time the view loads?

I have a function that generates the random color. Every time I call the function, it generates the same color. I put the function in viewDidLoad() but it still generates the same color.

Accepted Reply

`viewDidLoad()` would not be called when your view contoller is shown. As the view controller uses the already loaded view.

Please try moving the random color setting code from `viewDidLoad()` to `viewWillApeear(_:)`.

In some cases, `viewWillApeear(_:)` would not be called neither, so please tell me more details if you cannot make it with `viewWillApeear(_:)`.


Please show your current code.

func generateRandomColor() -> UIColor {
    let redValue = CGFloat(drand48())
    let greenValue = CGFloat(drand48())
    let blueValue = CGFloat(drand48())
    let randomColor = UIColor(red: redValue, green: greenValue, blue: blueValue, alpha: 1.0)
    return randomColor

override func viewDidLoad() {
        if mainPhoto.backgroundColor == nil {
            mainPhoto.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor()
        else {
           mainPhoto.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor()

I am trying to change the background color of an image every time the view loads. Even if I close the app and re-open it, it still generates the same color. Why is that?

Some random library uses exactly the same initial settings at each time the process is initialized.

And `drand48()` is definitely one of them.


if I close the app and re-open it, it still generates the same color. Why is that?

That is the expected behavior with your code.

Why are you using such outdated old C library function?

Try something like this:

func generateRandomColor() -> UIColor {
    let redValue = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)
    let greenValue = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)
    let blueValue = CGFloat.random(in: 0...1)
    let randomColor = UIColor(red: redValue, green: greenValue, blue: blueValue, alpha: 1.0)
    return randomColor

The method `randome(in:)` uses better algorithm and random seed for initial value, which is something you expect.


By the way what do you intend with this?

        if mainPhoto.backgroundColor == nil {
            mainPhoto.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor()
        else {
            mainPhoto.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor()

The if-statement has no meaning here... Some sort of not-implemented-yet feature?

When I googled how to generate a random color the drand library function came up so I used it. Yes, the random(in: 0...1) function works better but there is one other thing that I need help with. When I tap the back button in the navigation controller, a new custom color isn't generated. Does the view not load when I tap the back button? How can I get it to generate a new random color when I tap the back button?

`viewDidLoad()` would not be called when your view contoller is shown. As the view controller uses the already loaded view.

Please try moving the random color setting code from `viewDidLoad()` to `viewWillApeear(_:)`.

In some cases, `viewWillApeear(_:)` would not be called neither, so please tell me more details if you cannot make it with `viewWillApeear(_:)`.

Yes, viewWillAppear() worked. Thank you.

Put your function in viewWillAppear(). It will be called every time the view appear while viewDidLoad() is called once upon the app starting
you just repeat what OOPer explained 1 year ago…
You'd better read the answers, not only the initial question.

Have a good day.