Excluding few frameworks while extracting IPA


I have an Xcode project with multiple targets. I added a few custom frameworks to all the targets which increase the IPA file size. Actually, a few targets don't need to have these custom framework.

I know we can exclude these frameworks by removing them from "Build Phases->Link Binaries With Libraries" for the particular target, but I am exploring to see whether these can be achieved by having a script so that we don't have to remove/add them manually whenever required.

I have a custom plist file for each target which tells whether these frameworks are needed. Is there any command available to remove/strip the framework from the target while building the app so that I can write a script by referring the plist value.

Hi , I am also looking for solution for the same. Did you get any resolution for this? If so can you please share information.

Hi , I am also looking for solution for the same. Did you found any solution? If so can you please share it.

Excluding few frameworks while extracting IPA