env: iPhone 8 iOS 11.2.1
I followed https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/sandbox-testing/
At the final step I can't add visa card to my Wallet sandbox,
I changed my region to US, after I tap 'Enter Card Details Manually', the input page need "Name" and Card Number,
What is this 'Name'?
I tryed my apple id and my apple name but it doesnt work and told me 'Could Not Add Card'.
any advise to me ?
To use sandbox apple pay test account you need to create specific test user.
This was a trick, as account owner shared with us accounts that he said were test accounts. Appeared to be, they were real accounts and test cards are not binding to it. But you can bind there real card (you can check that to see if it's real or test account).
Under that sub-admin account you can create true-test user, somewhere around here: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/testers
When you create that test dummy user, login to your device with it, assign proper region (in a list on the top here): https://developer.apple.com/apple-pay/sandbox-testing/
After login with dummy tester account, go to "wallet and apple pay" on your device, add test card there.
After that to test it is functional, go to https://applepaydemo.apple.com/
and push that button, see "done" in final.
That's it
P.S.: why dev forum don't answer this question? Very sad =(