When I do a call to the following endpoint I get a successful response, however I only get back type 'album' and playlist'' resources in the response array: https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/recent/played
Is it possible to get individual song resources too? If so how do I acheieve this?
Thanks in advance
Sample response is below
"data": [{
"id": "712853015",
"type": "albums",
"href": "/v1/catalog/gb/albums/712853015",
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"artistName": "Smashing Pumpkins",
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"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/siamese-dream-remastered/712853015",
"isComplete": true,
"genreNames": ["Rock", "Music", "Alternative", "Grunge", "Indie Rock", "Adult Alternative", "Metal"],
"trackCount": 13,
"isMasteredForItunes": false,
"releaseDate": "1993-07-26",
"name": "Siamese Dream (Remastered)",
"recordLabel": "Virgin Records",
"copyright": "℗ 2011 Virgin Records America, Inc.",
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"editorialNotes": {
"standard": "Their debut album, Gish, established Smashing Pumpkins as a viable alternative rock band with arena rock potential, but Siamese Dream broke the gameplan wide open. From their earliest days, the Pumpkins had been a cauldron of heated emotions and demanding visions. Leader Billy Corgan took on most instrumental duties in order to recreate the sounds in his head. And with producer Butch Vig ready to capture the big rock sound that many alternative groups were shying away from, Corgan and Vig went about layering the guitars until the wall couldn’t be penetrated. None of this would mean much if not for powerful songwriting; “Cherub Rock”, “Quiet”, “Today” and “Geek U.S.A.” meshed the ‘90s-era underachiever vibe with the stadium sounds of classic rock bands.",
"short": "This album meshed the ‘90s-era underachiever vibe with the stadium sounds of classic rock bands."
"contentRating": "explicit"
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"artistName": "The Fall",
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"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/grotesque-after-the-gramme-expanded-edition/1147767174",
"isComplete": true,
"genreNames": ["Rock", "Music", "Alternative", "College Rock", "Punk", "Adult Alternative"],
"trackCount": 15,
"isMasteredForItunes": false,
"releaseDate": "1980-11",
"name": "Grotesque (After the Gramme) [Expanded Edition]",
"recordLabel": "Castle Communications",
"copyright": "℗ 2004 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., a BMG Company",
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"contentRating": "explicit"
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"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/gb/playlist/football-songs/pl.682fa876c67f423e9d01a862017a684a",
"lastModifiedDate": "2018-07-23T13:43:12Z",
"description": {
"standard": "This is your soundtrack to an incredible summer of football. Get in the mood for glory with iconic anthems from some amazing artists. "
"curatorName": "Filtr",
"playlistType": "external",
"name": "Football Songs"