I am trying to understand how an NSTextField reacts to changes of its cell's backgroundStyle.
The reason is that I want to use the automatic handling of the text color be used when I set the backgroundStyle of the text field that's inside a table cell.
From what I have gathered so far, the textfield's cell has a backgroundStyle property and when this is set, and the textColor is `labelColor` (or any of the other control colors) the text color should be automatically updated to be fitting for the backgroundStyle.
Given a tableView with a custom row class and a custom cell:
class RowView: NSTableRowView {
override func drawSelection(in dirtyRect: NSRect) {
if isSelected {
var rects: UnsafePointer<NSRect>? = nil
var count: Int = 0
self.getRectsBeingDrawn(&rects, count: &count)
for i in 0..<count {
let rect = NSIntersectionRect(bounds, rects![i])
__NSRectFillUsingOperation(rect, NSCompositingOperation.sourceOver)
override var interiorBackgroundStyle: NSView.BackgroundStyle {
return isSelected ? .light : .dark
class CustomCellView: NSTableCellView {
@IBOutlet weak var label: NSTextField!
override var backgroundStyle: NSView.BackgroundStyle {
didSet {
Swift.print("Style set to \(backgroundStyle == .light ? "light" : "dark")")
Swift.print("Label Style set to \(label.cell!.backgroundStyle == .light ? "light" : "dark")")
I would expect the label to be drawn in black, when I select the row.
I can see that the backgroundStyle is forwarded correctly when I select the row, but the label doesn't change color at all. In fact, being seemingly blended with my white selection, the label disappears entirely.
Why is the label color not changing?
P.S.: I know that I can manually set the label's color based on the background style of the cell. That's not what I am asking. I want to use the convenience of the `controlTextColor`s or at least understand why they are not working in this case. (They do seem to work if I don't draw my custom selection in the row and use the standard blue selection)