Can't type in input in Xcode 10.1 using C++

I'm new to Xcode and programming in general, and I'm having an issue with Xcode. After I made my code and built it successfully the first time, I can type in input in the bottom console no problem. But then I made a few tweaks and went ahead to build it again. It did successfully build but this time I can't type in anything in the bottom console. So I have to close Xcode and reopen it again everytime I want to make any tweaks and it's getting annoying. Would love to know how to fix this. Thank you in advance.

WHich part of the console ? Output (right side) or left side ?

Bottom right.

I tried it, wrote on the console, then run (cleared the console).

Modified code, and could write again on the console.

Could you detail your error scenario ?

I have a few test cases I want to input, I wrote in case 1, found out there's a problem, stopped the program, made a few tweaks, and tried running it again. The build was successful and the cursor blinks but when I tried typing in the input nothing shows up.

But there are other cases where I typed in all the cases and the program stopped itself, tried running it again and the same thing happens.

hard to see what's happening.

COuld you shoot and post a video of the case ? Here's a link to the video.

Well the link moderator took forever




For anyone else: I have added instructions in Xcode 14+ to open CppUserClient in the terminal instead which will allow you to input a selection. See comment on youtube link above.

Update: you also can get around this by selecting "Xcode (Standard Input)" when you edit the scheme.

See this in my working example that also adds iPadOS support alongside macOS and updates to the latest driverkit version:

Should be immediately runnable, but you will have to ensure you disable SIP and enable developer mode, as per the original instructions (required without DriverKit entitlement permission from Apple).

You will also need to change the bundle ID to your own name (replace "gigabitelabs" with something that is specific to your dev account / business).

Can't type in input in Xcode 10.1 using C++