DAE export and SCNMorpher

When I use SCNMorpher to set the weights for blendshapes my 3d model does not only blend between the shapes it also scales.

I have exported and re-imported the DAE file from Maya (in meters) and confirmed the blendshapes for my model are working properly.

Can any explain to me why this is and how to correct it?

Answered by AlexiJohansen in 337957022

SCNMorpher seems to want just the difference between the source and target vertex position, whereas Maya stores blendshape data as originalModel.vertexposition + whatever the displacement is.

I havw quickly solved this by writing a Maya script that does this. The blendshapes look wrong in Maya but they work just fine in Xcode. Not the ideal solution but good enough for now.

Accepted Answer

SCNMorpher seems to want just the difference between the source and target vertex position, whereas Maya stores blendshape data as originalModel.vertexposition + whatever the displacement is.

I havw quickly solved this by writing a Maya script that does this. The blendshapes look wrong in Maya but they work just fine in Xcode. Not the ideal solution but good enough for now.

Hi Alexi,

I'm currently dealing with exporting blend shapes from Maya to Xcode and running into this as well. I'm curious exactly how you're using your MEL script to export the blend shapes and if you're able to get consistent results in Xcode/SceneKit.


Alex, can you pleas post the script?

i was getting this issue with dae files but it seems to work fine after converting to scn

DAE export and SCNMorpher