If am using the new HTTP2 based APNS requests with provider tokens do I still need to be calling the push feedback service to get unistalled devices? and if so do I need to use a certificate based request for the feedback service call?
If am using the new HTTP2 based APNS requests with provider tokens do I still need to be calling the push feedback service to get unistalled devices? and if so do I need to use a certificate based request for the feedback service call?
The feedback service no longer exists in the HTTP/2-based APNs API. Instead, the APNs server will respond to a request to send a notification to a device that has uninstalled the destination app with an HTTP/410 response and a rejection reason of "unregistered," along with a timestamp at which the device token stopped being valid. Please see Sending Notification Requests to APNs for details.
So, in short, no, you definitely don't need to be calling the feedback service if you're using the HTTP/2-based APNs API.
That isn't the behavior I'm seeing — the http/2-based service sends errors in about the same situations the legacy service did, and uninstalled apps / expired tokens still return "success" from the initial submission and cause a token to show up on the feedback service, regardless of which submission service they were submitted with.