How can I export an unsigned ipa?

I can create an unsigned .xcarchive easily enough with the following command:

xcodebuild archive -project myproj.xcodeproj -scheme 'the scheme' -archivePath unsigned.xcarchive -configuration Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

However, the exportOptionsPlist requires a 'method' and each method it accepts appears to sign the actual ipa.

I can manually remove the signature from the IPA after it is exported, but I was hoping there was a feature in xcodebuild that would all me to do this out-of-the-box.

Is this possible? If so, how?

I have created youtube video which is about creating an UnSigned .ipa file using Xcode 11.x.x version without Developer account.

Title of the video : How to make an unsigned IPA without iOS Developer Account/Certificate on Xcode 11

To Disable Code Signing:
• GoTo /Applications then right click and click "Show Package Contents"
• SDKSettings.plist is located at /Applications/

After modifying SDKSettings.plist file, restart your Xcode.

Note: Keep the backup of “SDKSettings.plist” in a different directory.

After generating unsigned .ipa file, replace SDKSettings.plist file with original SDKSettings.plist file and delete “CODESIGNINGALLOWED” key pair value under User-Defined settings.

This really helped thanks

How can I export an unsigned ipa?