File Provider Extension, importDocumentAtURL:: can't read file at given URL (iOS 11.4.1)

I'm having troubles with Paste opertaions into my containers in File Provider extension.

If I paste copied image or text into Files app -> My App -> any folder the file at fileURL can not be read (as a result can't be uploaded to my servers nor stored locally).

- (void)importDocumentAtURL:(NSURL *)fileURL
          completionHandler:(void (^)(NSFileProviderItem _Nullable importedDocumentItem, NSError * _Nullable error))completion 
    NSError *readError = nil;
    NSData *fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileURL options:NSDataReadingMappedAlways error:&readError];
    NSString *readErrorMessage = readError.localizedDescription;

    NSURL *myFileURL = [NSFileProviderManager.defaultManager.documentStorageURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"temp.dat"];
    NSError *copyError = nil;
    BOOL copyResult = [_fileManager copyItemAtURL:fileURL toURL:myFileURL error:&copyError];
    NSString *copyErrorMessage = copyError.localizedDescription;

copyResult is false, both readErrorMessage and copyErrorMessage are:

The file “text.txt” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it.

What am I doing wrong here?

This happens to any file copied from my container, iCloud container, as well as synthetic files produced from text/image/other data from system Clipboard.

For emalple, fileURL for image.png file I'm trying to duplicate from my own container is


The same time the item being duplicated is located at:


I guess I cant ready anything in /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/80480715-574A-4E99-B588-FBDCC7F1FDFC/


Answered by DTS Engineer in 768685022

As of today, a non-replicated file provider, or NSFileProviderExtension, on both macOS and iOS, has evolved to a replicated file provider, or NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension, and importDocument(at:toParentItemIdentifier:completionHandler:) isn't part of a replicated file provider. If you haven’t adopted replicated file providers, now is the time, and here is a well-written sample to show you how to do that: Synchronizing files using file provider extensions.

If you need to stick with NSFileProviderExtension for some reason, yes, use start/stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() to access the URL the system passes to importDocument(at:toParentItemIdentifier:completionHandler:). This is documented in the API specification of the method.

You need to call

[fileURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];

before accessing the file, and

[fileURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];

once you're done.





I love

I love

thank you

Wow thank you

I can’t access any of MY files like this bc they have private info info them from someone else.


As of today, a non-replicated file provider, or NSFileProviderExtension, on both macOS and iOS, has evolved to a replicated file provider, or NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension, and importDocument(at:toParentItemIdentifier:completionHandler:) isn't part of a replicated file provider. If you haven’t adopted replicated file providers, now is the time, and here is a well-written sample to show you how to do that: Synchronizing files using file provider extensions.

If you need to stick with NSFileProviderExtension for some reason, yes, use start/stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() to access the URL the system passes to importDocument(at:toParentItemIdentifier:completionHandler:). This is documented in the API specification of the method.


File Provider Extension, importDocumentAtURL:: can't read file at given URL (iOS 11.4.1)