Why no "background mode" capability?

I'm relatively new to this, so please bear with me....

I'm trying to setup a project integrating BlueCapKit framework, and want to enable bluetooth under Capabilities > Background Modes. But under my capabilities tab, Background Mode doesn't appear. It seems likely a configuration problem, I've searched but so far to no avail. Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction? I'm using the latest Xcode and working towards an iOS target.

Thanks greatly!

~ Nancy

May be look at the wrong place ?

- Select the project name at the very top left of navigation window

- then select the file in the TARGETS, not PROJECT

- In Capabilities, you should see background modes

Mine also does not have. But you can manually add it. There is a "+ Capability" at the top left. Click it and search for Background Modes.

Why no "background mode" capability?