Visa test card is "Not accepted by this website"

I'm trying to test payments with different card types on the website.

I've added test cards from

to my tester account.

In my payment request I added supportedNetworks:

supportedNetworks: ["amex", "masterCard", "visa", "discover"],

Payments work fine with amex, mastercard and discover, but Visa cards are not selectable, with the reason "Not accepted by this website".

Are there some other requirements to use visa cards on the website?

Having this issue. Are there any resolutions?

Any luck? I am getting weird issues as well. Not able to add any Discover or Master Card to the Wallet. And on Apple Pay Sheet, Visa cards randomly have a message next to them "Not accepted by this website". Some Visa cards work, some don't.

I am getting the same issue. Only Mastercard is accepted on the wallet using the sandbox tester account. FF.

This appears to still be a problem on Mac Books in 2023.

Any way past this, @matteaton?

Visa test card is "Not accepted by this website"