Un expected behaviour with Background fetch


I've been having a lot of problems with background fetch, mainly un-determined behaviuor, even when removed background fetching cabilities it is still happenning!

so in order to remove background fetching completely, i have removed:

- The `plist` flag for `UIBackgroundMode` `fetch`

- `

` from app delegate

and then i had put a tracking event that triggers only if the app is in


and i can still the event tracked on both debug and production, so what could be the problem here ? or what is needed more to prevent background fetches completely ?

Thank you.

  • I have the same problem,have you resolve this problem?

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I don’t understand you concern here. By definition a background fetch is the system calling your

method. If you’ve removed that method, you can’t possibly get a background fetch.

then i had put a tracking event that triggers only if the app is in


That only confirms that your app was running in the background. An app can run in the background for a wide variety of reasons, so it’s hard to draw any conclusions from that data point. For example, if your app overrides the

method (or, equivalently, handles the
notification), you’ll find that the state is
when that code runs.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Thanks for the response @eskimo, but i'am still a bit confused, i do have the `backgroundFetch` flag removed from `Info.plist`, and no `performFetchWithCompletionHandler` in `AppDelegate` , how can the app even wake in the background ?

the only thing related to that in my app is listining to `

` by 3rd party library, could that be a reason to enter background state given the above ?

Thank you.

how can the app even wake in the background ?

There are lots of other ways that your app might be running in the background, so many that it’s hard to give a definitive list. To say more I’d have to know the context in which you saw the

property being

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"