The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled.

I've downloaded xip-archive of Xcode to my external drive and tried to unarchive it. Then I opened and got this error. Same error I've got on my internal drive.

My OS: macOS Hight Sierra 10.13.4

Xcode 9.3

[MT] DVTPlugInLoading: Failed to load code for plug-in (/Volumes/Untitled/, error = Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3587 "dlopen_preflight(/Volumes/Untitled/ Library not loaded: @rpath/LLDB.framework/LLDB

Referenced from: /Volumes/Untitled/

Reason: image not found" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle is damaged or missing necessary resources., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try reinstalling the bundle., NSFilePath=/Volumes/Untitled/, NSDebugDescription=dlopen_preflight(/Volumes/Untitled/ Library not loaded: @rpath/LLDB.framework/LLDB

Referenced from: /Volumes/Untitled/


[MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/

Details: Xcode failed its initial plug-in scan, error = Error Domain=DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code=2 "Loading a plug-in failed." UserInfo={, DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey=/Volumes/Untitled/, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled., DVTPlugInDYLDErrorMessageErrorKey=dlopen(/Volumes/Untitled/, 0): Library not loaded: @rpath/LLDB.framework/LLDB

Referenced from: /Volumes/Untitled/

Reason: image not found, NSLocalizedDescription=Loading a plug-in failed.,

I am also encountering this issue. OP did you find the root cause?

I had the same error; to resolve it, you just need to run sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch in the terminal.

  • MacOS Sequoia Version 15.0 Beta(15.0)
  • Xcode 16 beta 3
The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled.