Xcode, Version 9.3 (9E145)
Example: 10301-000051.pdf was renamed to 10301-51.pdf under 10301-51.imageset
Xcode, Version 9.3 (9E145)
Example: 10301-000051.pdf was renamed to 10301-51.pdf under 10301-51.imageset
Can you replicate that issue via Xcode 9.3.1?
I looked over the docs, and don't see any restrictions on individual file naming. I do see notes on (donor?) folder names, generally where the tools might strive to maintain unique references.
Looks like Xcode try to be "intelligent" and use the name of imageset.
What if the pdf file is named 10301-000052.pdf
Anyway, looks like a bug.
still happening on Xcode 13