Optimize machine learning for Metal apps

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Posts under wwdc2023-10050 tag

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Hi there, I'm trying to convert my CoreML model (it's actually .mlpackage) to .mpsgraphpackage so I can test the performance of my model with MPSGraph API. I run the code you provide in terminal but it just does nothing (command execute forever). In Activity Monitor terminal uses 0.0% of CPU. I My XCode version 15.0 beta 6 (15A5219j) and running in OS Sonoma 14.0 Beta (23A5312d)
by ohnatiuk.
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Hi all, I am new to the metal Pytorch. I am trying to implement the demo code of customized ops in Pytorch. The demo code However, I think the torch namespace doesn't have "mps" now? The "torch::mps" cannot be found if I try to compile the .mm file into PyTorch cpp extension. After some digging, I think everybody is using Aten namespace with "at::"? How can I use functions in mps and make this demo code work? Thanks in advance. Error message In file included from /Users/ethan/Downloads/CustomizingAPyTorchOperation/CustomSoftshrink.mm:10: /Users/ethan/Downloads/CustomizingAPyTorchOperation/CustomSoftshrink.h:11:30: warning: ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char *' [-Wwritable-strings] static char *CUSTOM_KERNEL = R"MPS_SOFTSHRINK( ^ /Users/ethan/Downloads/CustomizingAPyTorchOperation/CustomSoftshrink.mm:43:53: error: no member named 'mps' in namespace 'torch' id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = torch::mps::get_command_buffer(); ~~~~~~~^ /Users/ethan/Downloads/CustomizingAPyTorchOperation/CustomSoftshrink.mm:47:47: error: no member named 'mps' in namespace 'torch' dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = torch::mps::get_dispatch_queue(); ~~~~~~~^ /Users/ethan/Downloads/CustomizingAPyTorchOperation/CustomSoftshrink.mm:76:20: error: no member named 'mps' in namespace 'torch' torch::mps::commit(); ~~~~~~~^ 1 warning and 3 errors generated. ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. CustomSoftshrink.mm code /* See the LICENSE.txt file for this sample’s licensing information. Abstract: The code that registers a PyTorch custom operation. */ #include <torch/extension.h> #include "CustomSoftshrink.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <Metal/Metal.h> // Helper function to retrieve the `MTLBuffer` from a `torch::Tensor`. static inline id<MTLBuffer> getMTLBufferStorage(const torch::Tensor& tensor) { return __builtin_bit_cast(id<MTLBuffer>, tensor.storage().data()); } torch::Tensor& dispatchSoftShrinkKernel(const torch::Tensor& input, torch::Tensor& output, float lambda) { @autoreleasepool { id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); NSError *error = nil; // Set the number of threads equal to the number of elements within the input tensor. int numThreads = input.numel(); // Load the custom soft shrink shader. id<MTLLibrary> customKernelLibrary = [device newLibraryWithSource:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:CUSTOM_KERNEL] options:nil error:&error]; TORCH_CHECK(customKernelLibrary, "Failed to to create custom kernel library, error: ", error.localizedDescription.UTF8String); std::string kernel_name = std::string("softshrink_kernel_") + (input.scalar_type() == torch::kFloat ? "float" : "half"); id<MTLFunction> customSoftShrinkFunction = [customKernelLibrary newFunctionWithName:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:kernel_name.c_str()]]; TORCH_CHECK(customSoftShrinkFunction, "Failed to create function state object for ", kernel_name.c_str()); // Create a compute pipeline state object for the soft shrink kernel. id<MTLComputePipelineState> softShrinkPSO = [device newComputePipelineStateWithFunction:customSoftShrinkFunction error:&error]; TORCH_CHECK(softShrinkPSO, error.localizedDescription.UTF8String); // Get a reference to the command buffer for the MPS stream. id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = torch::mps::get_command_buffer(); TORCH_CHECK(commandBuffer, "Failed to retrieve command buffer reference"); // Get a reference to the dispatch queue for the MPS stream, which encodes the synchronization with the CPU. dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = torch::mps::get_dispatch_queue(); dispatch_sync(serialQueue, ^(){ // Start a compute pass. id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> computeEncoder = [commandBuffer computeCommandEncoder]; TORCH_CHECK(computeEncoder, "Failed to create compute command encoder"); // Encode the pipeline state object and its parameters. [computeEncoder setComputePipelineState:softShrinkPSO]; [computeEncoder setBuffer:getMTLBufferStorage(input) offset:input.storage_offset() * input.element_size() atIndex:0]; [computeEncoder setBuffer:getMTLBufferStorage(output) offset:output.storage_offset() * output.element_size() atIndex:1]; [computeEncoder setBytes:&lambda length:sizeof(float) atIndex:2]; MTLSize gridSize = MTLSizeMake(numThreads, 1, 1); // Calculate a thread group size. NSUInteger threadGroupSize = softShrinkPSO.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup; if (threadGroupSize > numThreads) { threadGroupSize = numThreads; } MTLSize threadgroupSize = MTLSizeMake(threadGroupSize, 1, 1); // Encode the compute command. [computeEncoder dispatchThreads:gridSize threadsPerThreadgroup:threadgroupSize]; [computeEncoder endEncoding]; // Commit the work. torch::mps::commit(); }); } return output; } // C++ op dispatching the Metal soft shrink shader. torch::Tensor mps_softshrink(const torch::Tensor &input, float lambda = 0.5) { // Check whether the input tensor resides on the MPS device and whether it's contiguous. TORCH_CHECK(input.device().is_mps(), "input must be a MPS tensor"); TORCH_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input must be contiguous"); // Check the supported data types for soft shrink. TORCH_CHECK(input.scalar_type() == torch::kFloat || input.scalar_type() == torch::kHalf, "Unsupported data type: ", input.scalar_type()); // Allocate the output, same shape as the input. torch::Tensor output = torch::empty_like(input); return dispatchSoftShrinkKernel(input, output, lambda); } // Create Python bindings for the Objective-C++ code. PYBIND11_MODULE(TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, m) { m.def("mps_softshrink", &mps_softshrink); }
by Waxpple.
Last updated
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5 Replies
Hello, I'm interested in trying the new JAX Metal plug-in and followed the steps in https://developer.apple.com/metal/jax/. Upon installation, I don't see any difference between the backend device detected by JAX and a pure CPU setup: >>> import jax >>> jax.devices() [CpuDevice(id=0)] >>> jax.devices()[0].platform 'cpu' >>> jax.devices()[0].device_kind 'cpu' >>> jax.devices()[0].client.platform 'cpu' >>> jax.devices()[0].client.runtime_type 'tfrt' Is this really using a Metal backend? How can I determine for sure? Thank you!
by pcuenca.
Last updated