




Reply to Can’t archive App that uses a swift package with an xcframework
We found a solution and maybe it was a wrong pattern on our side at the beginning. To solve the solution we just added SPM support to our XCFramework by adding on its repository the Package.swift and expose the library that uses the XCFramework binary target like this: let package = Package( 		name: "Module", 		platforms: [ 				.iOS(.v11) 		], 		products: [ 				.library(name: "Module", targets: ["Module"]) 		], 		targets: [ 				.binaryTarget(name: "Module", path: "Module.xcframework") 		] ) Hope this can help :)
Dec ’20
Reply to Xcode SPM update multiple errors
Hello I'm just having the exact same problem since a week and it is a nightmare! I tried everything locally (reformat, certificates approval) and nothing changed. Can I know who is your internet provider? The weird thing is if I delete all derived data I'm able to get packages but update almost always fails.. Thanks!
Apr ’21