




NavigationSplitView detail view not updating
I have a NavigationSplitView with all three columns, and NavigationLinks in the sidebar to present different Lists for the content column. When a list item is selected in the content view, I want to present a view in the detail view. Since different detail views should be presented for different content views, I represent state like this (some details omitted for space): // Which detail view to show in the third column enum DetailViewKind: Equatable { case blank case localEnv(RegistryEntry) case package(SearchResult) } // Which link in the sidebar was tapped enum SidebarMenuItem: Int, Hashable, CaseIterable { case home case localEnvs case remoteEnvs case packageSearch } // Binds to a DetailViewKind, defines the activate SidebarMenuItem struct SidebarView: View { @State private var selectedMenuItem: SidebarMenuItem? @Binding var selectedDetailView: DetailViewKind var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 32) { SidebarHeaderView() Divider() // Creates the navigationLinks with a SidebarMenuRowView as labels SidebarMenuView(selectedMenuItem: $selectedMenuItem, selectedDetailView: $selectedDetailView) Spacer() Divider() SidebarFooterView() } .padding() .frame(alignment: .leading) } } struct SidebarMenuRowView: View { var menuItem: SidebarMenuItem @Binding var selectedMenuItem: SidebarMenuItem? @Binding var selectedDetailView: DetailViewKind private var isSelected: Bool { return menuItem == selectedMenuItem } var body: some View { HStack { Image(systemName: menuItem.systemImageName).imageScale(.small) Text(menuItem.title) Spacer() } .padding(.leading) .frame(height: 24) .foregroundStyle(isSelected ? Color.primaryAccent : Color.primary) .background(isSelected ? Color.menuSelection : Color.clear) .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)) .navigationDestination(for: SidebarMenuItem.self) { item in navigationDestinationFor(menuItem: item, detailView: $selectedDetailView) } .onTapGesture { if menuItem != selectedMenuItem { selectedMenuItem = menuItem } } } } // Determines which detail view to present struct DetailView: View { @Binding var selectedDetailView: DetailViewKind var innerView: some View { switch selectedDetailView { case .blank: AnyView(Text("Make a selection") .font(.subheadline) .foregroundStyle(.secondary) .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(min: 200, ideal: 350)) case .localEnv(let regEntry): AnyView(EnvironmentDetailView(regEntry: regEntry)) case .package(let searchResult): AnyView(PackageDetailView(searchResult: searchResult)) } } var body: some View { innerView } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var detailView: DetailViewKind = .blank var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { SidebarView(selectedDetailView: $detailView) .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(175) } content: { HomeView() .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(min: 300, ideal: 450) } detail: { DetailView(selectedDetailView: $detailView) } } } My issue is that the detail view is not updated when the ContentView's detailView property is updated. I've verified that the value itself is changing, but the view is not. I searched around to see why this would be (this is my first Swift/SwiftUI application) and from what I gather a @Binding alone will not cause a view to be updated, that binding either needs to be used in the view hierarchy, or it needs to be stored as a @State property that gets updated when the binding value changes. I added a dummy @State property to DetailView and that still doesn't work, so I'm a little confused: struct DetailView: View { @Binding var selectedDetailView: DetailViewKind @State private var dummyProp: DetailViewKind? var innerView: some View { switch selectedDetailView { case .blank: AnyView(Text("Make a selection") .font(.subheadline) .foregroundStyle(.secondary) .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(min: 200, ideal: 350)) case .localEnv(let regEntry): AnyView(EnvironmentDetailView(regEntry: regEntry)) case .package(let searchResult): AnyView(PackageDetailView(searchResult: searchResult)) } } var body: some View { innerView.onChange(of: selectedDetailView) { dummyProp = selectedDetailView } } } Any ideas?