




Create Provisioning Profile
Hi,I'm trying to start Appium with a given .ipa and run the Inspector while my device (ipad mini 2) is connected to my mac machine via usb cable, but I'm getting such error:[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] May 30 14:23:05 Test-iPad notification_proxy[121] <Error>: 0x16e247000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!While I google it I found that in order to solve it need to enable the UI Automation option from Developers options in the device itself.But I cant see "Developers Options" in the settings of my device (with ios 9.3.1 - XCode 6.4)!I serached for it and found that in order to enable it need to have a provisioninf profile:ProcedureRun Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.In the iOS Dev Center, click Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.In the iOS Apps panel, click Provisioning Profiles.Click +.Select iOS App Development and click Continue.Select an App ID to associate with the provisioning profile and click Continue. To be able to use one development provisioning profile across multiple apps, select a wildcard App ID, if available.Select one or more certificates for development to include in the provisioning profile and click Continue.Only certificates for development are listed.Select one or more devices to include in the provisioning profile and click Continue.Enter a name for the profile and click Generate.(Optional) Click Download to download the provisioning profile.But when signing in with my account I have no such option: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.Please advice...
May ’16