
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
My point is that there is some inconsistency in the way the entitlements work. When I enabled the entitlement for the very first time, the app seemed to run without any issues. However, after that I have not been successful. I managed to go ahead by commenting out the line in ctypes since that seemed to be something which was needed only on windows platforms. However this resulted in another crash with MemoryError in the ffi library. The library maintainers ask us to use the entitlement. Inspite of that the app continues to crash. Any advice other than rewriting the whole app in swift which is not feasible given timelines.
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
Unfortunately B implies trying to understand why a library function like reset_cache is failing . Is there any way I can figure out which entitlement needs to be there. If it helps, the above entitlement worked once after which it has been failing