




Sharelink is bronken in ios 17.3
block of code used in aditionl to the errors shown below i cant not share an image along a message to whatsapp, it will only take the message, for it to take the picture the messahe must be removed. ShareLink("Share Status as image", item: renderedImage, subject:Text("\(itemDue.customerName) your order is ready"), // message: Text(mesaage), // , preview: SharePreview("Order status", image: renderedImage) ) .foregroundStyle(.white) .padding(5) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) .background( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15) .stroke(Color.white, lineWidth: 2) ) when sharelink is being use i get the errors must current ios version and xcode: 2024-02-01 17:27:48.792287-0500 Tailored[4866:1376699] [ProcessSuspension] 0x11d0218c0 - ProcessAssertion::acquireSync Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebProcess NearSuspended Assertion' for process with PID=4876, error: Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "target is not running or doesn't have entitlement" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=target is not running or doesn't have entitlement} ADitional ERROR 2024-02-01 17:17:31.597616-0500 Tailored[4849:1370660] (501) personaAttributesForPersonaType for type:0 failed with error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction.} 2024-02-01 17:17:31.602413-0500 Tailored[4849:1371023] [general] Received port for identifier response: <(null)> with error:Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Client not entitled" UserInfo={, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Client not entitled, RBSPermanent=false} 2024-02-01 17:17:31.602451-0500 Tailored[4849:1371023] [process] elapsedCPUTimeForFrontBoard couldn't generate a task port 2024-02-01 17:17:31.602690-0500 Tailored[4849:1371023] [general] Received port for identifier response: <(null)> with error:Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Client not entitled" UserInfo={, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Client not entitled, RBSPermanent=false} 2024-02-01 17:17:31.602726-0500 Tailored[4849:1371023] [process] elapsedCPUTimeForFrontBoard couldn't generate a task port 2024-02-01 17:17:31.605430-0500 Tailored[4849:1371377] [general] Received port for identifier response: <(null)> with error:Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Client not entitled" UserInfo={, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Client not entitled, RBSPermanent=false} 2024-02-01 17:17:31.605490-0500 Tailored[4849:1371377] [process] elapsedCPUTimeForFrontBoard couldn't generate a task port 2024-02-01 17:17:34.999553-0500 Tailored[4849:1371371] [ShareSheet] connection invalidated
Feb ’24
bug alert in sharelink
ShareLink("Share Status as image", item: renderedImage, subject:Text("(itemDue.customerName) your order is ready"), // message: Text(mesaage), // , preview: SharePreview("Order status", image: renderedImage) ) when using sharelink if you try to share an image and a message together over whatsapp it only takes the message, if you comment the message it will then share the image. is there any workaround for this?
Feb ’24