
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
i was able to do that specifying -fcoroutines-ts in other C++ flags of Xcode. C++17
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11 Replies
weird... i even enabled "pedantic warnings", "treat incompatible pointer types warnings as errors" and "treat warnings as errors" and still no joy. tried different "C language dialects" as well. can you reveal the exact warning message in the build window, and post here the message - if there's a "code" in brackets i might be able putting it as an explicit "Werror" in the project.
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11 Replies
not even the above, even this:void foo(NSMutableDictionary** mutableDictionary) { (*mutableDictionary)[@"hello"] = @"world";}... NSObject* whatever = [NSObject new]; foo(&whatever); // no compilation error or warning here! obvious runtime crash down the roadlooks like any superclass pointer causes this behavior. quite dangerous behaviour.Animal -> Dog -> Labradorvoid labradors_only_here_please(Labrador** labrador) { [*labrador whatever_only_labradors_can_do];}Dog* generic_dog = [Dog new];labradors_only_here_please(&generic_dog) // ok cap, no problem... boom, crash