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I might solve it by myself. let numerators: [Float] = ... let denominators: [Float] = ... // actually these are integers in my case let denominatorsEpsilon = vDSP.add(Float.leastNonzeroMagnitude * 10000000, denominators) // (Float.leastNonzeroMagnitude * 10000000 is minimal number to avoid NaN when dividing. let divides = vDSP.divide(numerators, denominatorsEpsilon) let alternativesOfNAN: [Float] = ... let denominatorsClip = vDSP.clip(denominators, to: 0...1) // denominatorsClip are 0 or 1 since denominators are integers let result = vDSP.subtract(multiplication: (divides, denominatorsClip), multiplication: (alternativesOfNAN, vDSP.add(-1, denominatorsClip))) I don't like this code since it is not precise and includes many unnecessary operations, but it is much faster than code checking isNaN.
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Sorry, I misunderstood. What I need is masking nan values, not gathering non-nan values. As you said, vDSP_vdiv returns nan(, not inf) when you divide by zero. And I cannot find any effective compare operations to mask nan. Are there any good functions? What I am really doing is, let numerators: [Float] = ... let denominators: [Float] = ... let divides = vDSP.divide(numerators, denominators) let alternativesOfNAN: [Float] = ... for i in divides { if divides[i].isNaN { divides[i] = alternativesOfNAN[i] } } The last loop is quite slow compared with other parts using vDSP.
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4 Replies
Thank you! vDSP_vcmprs is what I need!
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I solved it by myself. newDocument argument returns a document with some magic keyword. If a document of the argument of editor argument has the magic keyword, editor shows a template selector view. The template selector view updates the document and it trigger showing a real editor view.
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Now I noticed that this issue was not posting. Any notification banners, such as timer alert, are prevented during my broadcast upload extension is running. Do I need special settings of the extension to allow banners?
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Rincewind san, Thank you for your comment! However, I confirmed that both windows' isKeyWindow are true and no didBecomeKeyNotification are triggered even when the app has two scenes. I think that they are deprecated.
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No.I don't have AirPods so I cannot do any experiment.I am waiting for information to buy it.
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eskimo san,Thank you for your reply!I am actually using BlueSocket, which is an open source written by IBM.The error occurs since the line returns minus value.I will try your suggestion and ask if I will encounter other trouble.UPDATE:I successfully moved from BlueSocket to Foundation API with socketpair.Thank you!