
Post marked as solved
15 Replies
Didn't have an issue with the first beta, but now having an issue with the second, and not able to use safe mode either.
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3 Replies
That is a developer website error, so all I can suggest (since I am getting it) is to keep trying until Apple fix the error on the website. But it turns out there is a bug in the link, from a response to a similar question: This URL works for me (browse to on iPhone):
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7 Replies
The normal Apple Beta release cycle is every two weeks, howeve,r if you check, you will notice we passed the two week mark this week, instead being treated to weekly iOS/iPadOS/WatchOS/tvOS updates. At this stage it could be any day now, or sometime next week. Apple vary the release times for all sorts of reasons (show stopping bugs/last minute feature/even preparing for final release), so all we can do now is wait to see what Apple does.
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31 Replies
I had the same issue, but Beta 4 has the key working correctly again.
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32 Replies
I'm going to make this simple, the following has always been the case, watchOS beta requres iOS beta, but iOS beta does not require watchOS put it another way, your iPhone requires the Watch to be the same or older release of OS as the iPhone, but the Watch needs the same or newer release of OS on the iPhone.This means watchOS beta will never work with the current or older release of iOS.