




Environment object become nil
I have a UIKit project, and I added a SwiftUI page into the project. And I pushed the SwiftUI page with the following code.    @IBAction func push(_ sender: Any) {      let viewController = UIHostingController(rootView: OrangeConfigListView().environmentObject(Store()))      navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)   } And here's the models. struct Group: Codable, Identifiable { 		var id:Int { 				name.hash 		} 		var name: String 		var configs: [Config] } struct Config: Codable, Identifiable { 		var key: String 		var value: String 		var id: Int { 				key.hash 		} 		var mocked = false 		var mockedValue: String? 		 		enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 				case key 				case value 		} } final class Store: ObservableObject { 		@Published var groups: [Group] 		 		init() { 				/* load groups */ 		} 		 		func mock(group: Group, config: Config, mockedValue: String) { 				let groupIndex = groups.firstIndex(matching: group) 				let configIndex = group.configs.firstIndex(matching: config) 				groups[groupIndex].configs[configIndex].mocked = true 				groups[groupIndex].configs[configIndex].mockedValue = mockedValue 		} 		 		func unmock(group: Group, config: Config) { 				let groupIndex = groups.firstIndex(matching: group) 				let configIndex = group.configs.firstIndex(matching: config) 				groups[groupIndex].configs[configIndex].mocked = false 				groups[groupIndex].configs[configIndex].mockedValue = nil 		} } And here's the view code. struct OrangeConfigCell: View {   @State var text: String   var config: OrangeConfig   var mockAction: (String) -> Void   var body: some View {     VStack {       HStack {         Text(config.key)           .font(.subheadline)         Spacer()         Button(config.mocked ? "Unmock" : "Mock") {           self.mockAction(text)         }         .foregroundColor(.blue)       }       TextView(text: $text, borderColor: config.mocked ? colorLiteral(red: 0.4745098054, green: 0.8392156959, blue: 0.9764705896, alpha: 1) : colorLiteral(red: 0.501960814, green: 0.501960814, blue: 0.501960814, alpha: 1))         .frame(height: 200)     }     .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle())   } } But when I triggered 'mockAction', I something wired just happened, the 'store' become nil! How would this happen ?
Jul ’20