I may be missing something but why is this solved?
I have not been able to get trim to work on my project in a widget so started a new project, added a widget, confirmed it compiled and showed the default time text, I copied the code above and ran again and there is no circle trim to be seen.
I'm seeing two things.
The code ".rotation(.degrees(112))" seems to break the view but ".rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 112.0))" does not...but I can not say that a rotation occurs because any trim less than 0 to 1 hides the entire stroke. So I see a full circle if I leave trim out, or do trim 0 to 1, but any value less than 1 hides the entire stroke.
Running XCode 12.3 iOS simulator 14.3.
Thank you RahulRS...it does work on a device, just not on simulator. Also confirmed the simulator bug persists to XCode 12.4 since I had started the update prior to seeing the reply to test on device.