this Apple example does not work for me as well on ios15. It works if you use
Circle() .frame(width: 100, height: 100, alignment: .center) .scaleEffect(magnifyBy) .gesture(magnification)
you have potentially many "sheet(..)" triggered by just one variable "showDetail".
I'm amazed you got anything to work. Re-structure your code to trigger only the relevant sheet,
when you press the button. For example, using ".sheet(item:...)"
I'll be really interested in a solution. Getting this verbal diarrhea, is really annoying.
swipeActions is available for ios15+ and macos12+ only.
works without any problems for me on macos 12.beta (latest), xcode 13.beta, target macos 12.
what are those, "********", is this something you don't to show or is it you did not bother
looking at the documentation to find out what it should be?
it's called a NavigationLink and it works inside a NavigationView. Look it up on the docs for how to use it.
you could even just do this:
TextField("Sort Order", text: Binding(
get: { (account.sortOrder != nil) ? String(account.sortOrder!) : "" },
set: { account.sortOrder = Int64($0.filter { "0123456789".contains($0) }) })
you could try something like this:
TextField("Sort Order",
text: Binding(
get: { (account.sortOrder != nil) ? String(account.sortOrder!) : "" },
set: {
if "0123456789".contains($0), let theInt = Int64($0) {
account.sortOrder = theInt
} else if $0.isEmpty { account.sortOrder = nil }
could not understand how to search for your feedback on the apple site. What is the problem with NumberFormatter in a textField? It seems to work for me.
could you put this code just after "let finalData...".
"if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers), let jsonData = try? json, options: .prettyPrinted) {
print("\n---> response json: " + String(decoding: jsonData, as: UTF8.self))
} else {
print("=========> json data malformed")
and tell us what it produces.
you could try using task, such as
.task { await networkController.configureAmplify() }
Yeah I see. What an appalling UI. It would not break anyone's back to put a delete button.
In Apple's case, a backspace button, to delete the comment or post.
Specifically designed to piss people off.
try this:
@FetchRequest(entity: TracksAll.entity(), sortDescriptors: []) var data: FetchedResults<TracksAll>
@State var sorting: [KeyPathComparator<TracksAll>] = [
.init(\.pfil, order: SortOrder.forward)
yet again, I cannot figure out how to delete this comment.