
Post not yet marked as solved
10 Replies
Replied In App Integrity
@eskimo thanks for your answer, let me double confirm. our company hired an IT Audit company, and they provide a report saying: we need to do code integrity check and debugger detection. Previously, apple provide a way to detect debugger, now the api is private. So for for the 2 issues: code integrity check and debugger detection. the official solution will be, right? thanks.
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Sorry, my mistake. update on this. Background mode, api request could be monitored by Charles. APNS payload need add "content-available": 1 to trigger background mode. In my case, actually, the code is not triggered, so no network calls. Thanks for ur answer and suggestions.
Post not yet marked as solved
10 Replies
Replied In App Integrity
Hi, we found could use tools like objection and Frida to debug the app and modify the return value of function to change app behavior on non-jailbreak devices. and the security company suggest us to do code integrity check and debugger detection to prevent these tools. Then how could we made it on ios? as found both not allowed by Apple now, thanks