




WiFi Lock (aka 'Join only Wi-Fi networks installed by a Wi-Fi payload') issues
I am experiencing issues when pushing the "WiFi Lock" profile via MDM or the "Join only Wi-Fi networks installed by a Wi-Fi payload'" Restriction via Apple configurator 2. I am pushing a WiFi Authentication profile along side it which means that the wifi lock profile is suppose to force the device to only be able to connect to the wifi authentication profile that was pushed to the device via MDM. However, what end up happening, the device "forgets" or does not recognize the pushed wifi auth profile that it has after device reboot. It ends up not showing any available wifi networks and wont allow the device to connect to wifi. The only way i can fix it, is if i push the wifi authentication profile to the device again via cellular. It then remembers it and will connect. But as soon as the device reboots and sometimes it does not even need to reboot it will forget it. What could be going on with this?
Dec ’22