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6 Replies
Anyone found a solution to this? I run into this problem everytime I switch git branches while Xcode is open. And after I added agvtool to my build phase, it happens on each build. It is so annoying.
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That's awesome. Can this be embedded into a native Swift UI app? We moved away from Unity for visionOS, due to the licensing desaster, but would love to integrate a game engine into our app if possible. Reality Composer Pro is pretty limited.
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Another weird behavior: Windows and ornaments that have a glass background effect actually use the environment instead of the immersive space to apply the effect. Maybe this is related to the fact that my Immersive Space shows a sphere with an inverted normal, i.e. I am standing inside that sphere, looking at an image?
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6 Replies
I have the same problem. I registered my component, and I add it to the entity via code. If I print the component right after adding it, I do get the component including its values. But if I receive the tap gesture, the component is gone. I have registered the component on app startup, so this should not be the issue. Any ideas why the component gets lost when a tap gesture is performed? This is super confusing.
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2 Replies
Just noticed this also happens if you just add a badge to the tab view. Since the badge is added next to the text, the tab will also appear slightly wider when shrunk to show icons only.
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I assume the OP wants to show the spatial photos you can capture with an iPhone 17+
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8 Replies
I have the very same issue. I converted my personal developer account (in Germany) into a business account (in the States) when I founded my business there. DUNS has the correct (US) address in their records, but App Store Connect still shows the old (German) address - even on the main page, which is different from the OP's situation. I cannot change that address there. I don't even live in Germany anymore... What a mess.
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27 Replies
I had no clue either. I am pretty fluent in English, but this is pretty weird legalese. Then found this Reddit thread which refers to a JetBrains article saying that anyone who is developing apps in a commercial context is a "trader": Funny enough, I could not even proceed, because App Store Connect does not show up the correct address for my US company, although it is correctly filed at DUNS. What a mess.
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Is the source code available somewhere?
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I would love to see direct photo and video capture inside an app. This is a killer feature for many apps.
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I only get this if I am using a different App ID than what is registered in the official App Store, although these testing IDs have been correctly setup in the App ID section of the developer portal. If I use my production ID, everything works. But if I use my staging or developement IDs, access fails.
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I'm wondering the same. Projecting a Swift UI view on a panoramic plane would be awesome. But I couldn't find a way to do this.