
Post marked as solved
15 Replies
I have struggled enough to drive (collect data from multiple sources) pid, gid, uid, process name out from flow metadata 'sourceAppAuditToken'. I will be really glad if below code would save time for others. I have computed said parameters for NEAppProxyTCPFlow but same cvan be done for 'NEFilerFlow::sourceAppAuditToken':extension NEAppProxyTCPFlow{ private var sourceAppAuditTokenQ: audit_token_t? { guard let tokenData = self.metaData.sourceAppAuditToken, tokenData.count == MemoryLayout<audit_token_t>.size else { return nil } return tokenData.withUnsafeBytes { buf in buf.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: audit_token_t.self).pointee } } var pid: pid_t { return audit_token_to_pid(sourceAppAuditTokenQ!) } var uid: uid_t { return audit_token_to_ruid(sourceAppAuditTokenQ!) } var gid: gid_t { return audit_token_to_rgid(sourceAppAuditTokenQ!) } var processPath: String? { var codeQ: SecCode? = nil var err = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(nil, [kSecGuestAttributeAudit: self.metaData.sourceAppAuditToken as Any] as NSDictionary, [], &codeQ) guard err == errSecSuccess else { return nil } let code = codeQ! var staticCodeQ: SecStaticCode? = nil err = SecCodeCopyStaticCode(code, [], &staticCodeQ) // Convert that to a static code. guard err == errSecSuccess else { return nil } let staticCode = staticCodeQ! var pathCodeQ: CFURL? err = SecCodeCopyPath(staticCode, SecCSFlags(rawValue: 0), &pathCodeQ); guard err == errSecSuccess else { return nil } let posixPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pathCodeQ, CFURLPathStyle.cfurlposixPathStyle); let posixPathStr: String = (posixPath! as NSString) as String //strdup(CFStringGetCStringPtr(posixPath, CFStringBuiltInEncodings.UTF8.rawValue)); return posixPathStr }}enjoy!!!
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi Prokash,Any luck, could you figure out way to do IPC between your C and Swift processes?Thanks
Post marked as solved
8 Replies
Thanks for clariying Quinn, I will file the bug.So just to summurize, if my Application: ProxyApp (uses AppProxyProvider) is not sourced/installed from 'Mac Apple Store' but signed with a Developer ID, it will still be able to work and register successufully its systemextension with OSX to get the flow for handling, and can be released signed with Developer ID?Please excuse me here if the terms used are wrong as I am new to Apple development..