




Cannot find dynamic library in Xcode
Hello, I have a problem in the Xcode 15.0 where the custom Dynamic library cannot be found during build. The dynamic library is built for iOS 16 and I have added it to "Link Binary with Libraries" and also to "Embed Libraries" as Destination: Framework. In the General->Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content I can see the library is loaded and "Embhed&Sign" option is set. In Build Settings the "Library search path" is also set to the location of library "$(PROJECT_DIR)/test/lib" Library is available in this location: $(PROJECT_DIR)/test/lib I can build the project without any issues. But when I try to run the application, I get below error: dyld[1076]: Library not loaded: libtest-xx.dylib Referenced from: <4A9...> Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libtest-xx.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache //libtest-xx.dylib' (no such file) Can anyone please let me know what is the issue here and how to correctly bundle dynamic library with the application? Thanks in advance
Apr ’24
How to communicate with smart card readers conncetd to USB-C port in iOS?
Hello All, I am new to iOS development and would like to detect the smart card readers connected to USB-C port on iOS (16+) devices. The smart card reader is a custom hardware and not MFi certified. So as per my understanding, I cannot use ExternalAccessory.framework without MFi certification. Correct? How else can I achieve this? Does TKSmartCardSlotManager works for this purpose (or is it only for NFC devices?)? Is there any example for how to use this interface? I couldn't find any example for this as a starting point... Thanks in advance.
Apr ’24