This took me FOREVER to figure out, so maybe someone will find this helpful:
Basically, it's not enough to just wrap the button in a UIViewRepresentable. You have to put that in a ButtonStyle, and then style a SwiftUI button with it. If you don't, it seems like your payment sheet will break! I'm not sure why this is true, but here's the code as it should work:
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
import PassKit
struct PaymentButton: View {
		var body: some View {
				Button(action: {
						/* Your custom payment code here */
				}, label: { EmptyView() } )
struct PaymentButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
		func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
				return PaymentButtonHelper()
struct PaymentButtonHelper: View {
		var body: some View {
						.frame(minWidth: 100, maxWidth: 400)
						.frame(height: 60)
						.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
extension PaymentButtonHelper {
		struct PaymentButtonRepresentable: UIViewRepresentable {
				var button: PKPaymentButton {
						let button = PKPaymentButton(paymentButtonType: .buy, paymentButtonStyle: .black) /*customize here*/
						button.cornerRadius = 4.0 /* also customize here */
						return button
				func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PKPaymentButton {
						return button
				func updateUIView(_ uiView: PKPaymentButton, context: Context) { }
You can also use the button entirely in SwiftUI using iPaymentButton. Example usage would look like:
import SwiftUI
import iPaymentButton
struct ContentView: View {
		var body: some View {
				iPaymentButton(type: .support, style: .whiteOutline, action: {
						 /* Add your custom payment code here */
Import instructions on iSwiftUI 👉
You can actually do this in 1 line:
iPhoneNumberField("", text: $text)
See more: