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11 Replies
I am having the same issue when using a picker in a form.Supporting Images left to right:Image(uiImage: ) displayed in a form section in a HStackImage in a Picker with Image(uiImage: )Image in a Picker with Image(systemImage: )You can see that in 2 & 3 it automatically applies a tint/mask (maskColor) of black (when using non dark mode and tint/mask of white when in dark mode).This must be default behaviour of SwiftUI to add a mask to any image inside the view shown when going to the selection list of a picker in a form.I am unable to work out how to remove this mask/tint off the image and display it in colour.Section(header: Text("Wind")) { Picker("", selection: $addAdjustmenViewModel.selectedWindDirection) { ForEach(0..<addadjustmenviewmodel.winddirection.count, id:="" \.self)="" {<br=""> WindPickerView(direction: self.addAdjustmenViewModel.windDirection[$0]).tag($0) } .navigationBarTitle("Wind Direction") }.navigationBarTitle(navigationTitle) }import SwiftUI import UIKit struct WindPickerView: View { var direction: String = "N" private var windImage: UIImage! init(direction: String) { self.direction = direction windImage = LocalImageManager.sharedInstance.windDirectionImages(direction: self.direction) //print("end init") } var body: some View { HStack { Image(uiImage: windImage).resizable().frame(width: 32, height: 32, alignment: .center).padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 8, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)) Spacer() Text(direction) .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: 8)) } } } struct WindPickerView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { WindPickerView(direction: "N") } }
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12 Replies
You don't use Xcode. Its just required to be installed so that iTunes can install iOS 13 ipsw