




Memory growing out of control when loading users photo album in UICollecitonView
I am loading the photos from a users photo album into a collection view similar to how is done in Browsing and Modifying Photo Albums | Apple Developer Documentation . I can not seem to track down why the memory is growing out of control. I use the suggested PHCachingImageManager but all that results are blurry images, freezing scrolling and the memory growing out of control until the application crashes.In my viewDidLoad I run the code below PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { (status: PHAuthorizationStatus) in print("photo authorization status: \(status)") if status == .authorized && self.fetchResult == nil { print("authorized") let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions() fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: false)] var tempArr:[PHAsset] = [] self.fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: .image, options: fetchOptions) guard let fetchResult = self.fetchResult else{ print("Fetch result is empty") return } fetchResult.enumerateObjects({asset, index, stop in tempArr.append(asset) }) // self.assets = tempArr self.imageManager.startCachingImages(for: tempArr, targetSize: PHImageManagerMaximumSize, contentMode: .aspectFill, options: nil) tempArr.removeAll() print("Asset count after initial fetch: \(self.assets?.count)") DispatchQueue.main.async { // Reload collection view once we've determined our Photos permissions. print("inside of main queue reload") PHPhotoLibrary.shared().register(self) self.collectionView.delegate = self self.collectionView.dataSource = self self.collectionView.reloadData() } } else { print("photo access denied") self.displayPhotoAccessDeniedAlert() } }and inside of cellForItemAt: I run the following codecellForItemAtguard let fetchResult = self.fetchResult else{ print("Fetch Result is empty") return UICollectionViewCell() } let requestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions() requestOptions.isSynchronous = false requestOptions.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat //let scale = min(2.0, UIScreen.main.scale) let scale = UIScreen.main.scale let targetSize = CGSize(width: cell.bounds.width * scale, height: cell.bounds.height * scale) // let asset = assets[indexPath.item] let asset = fetchResult.object(at: indexPath.item) let assetIdentifier = asset.localIdentifier cell.representedAssetIdentifier = assetIdentifier imageManager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: cell.frame.size, contentMode: .aspectFill, options: requestOptions) { (image, hashable) in if let loadedImage = image, let cellIdentifier = cell.representedAssetIdentifier { // Verify that the cell still has the same asset identifier, // so the image in a reused cell is not overwritten. if cellIdentifier == assetIdentifier { cell.imageView.image = loadedImage } } }
Sep ’19