I have the same issue. Did you find any solutions?
The widget of an app I am working on works on macOS Sonoma, but not on Sequoia. I could be wrong but that makes me feel like it's a macOS bug?
Found a post about the same error here.
Thanks for the response. Yes, it could reproduce it with Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to create the model container: SwiftDataError(_error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError._Error.loadIssueModelContainer, _explanation: nil) error in DataModel.swift.
macOS: 15.1 (24B83)
Xcode: 16.1 (16B40)
Thank you for the response.
The app I am working on is a macOS app. Does that work with the workaround too?
Also, do you know when the bug will be fixed?
Thank you for the potential solutions.
I still use IntentConfiguration instead of AppIntentConfiguration, so it might be the reason.
Thanks again.