




Capturing multiple screens no longer works with macOS Sequoia
Capturing more than one display is no longer working with macOS Sequoia. We have a product that allows users to capture up to 2 displays/screens. Our application is using gstreamer which in turn is based on AVFoundation. I found a quick way to replicate the issue by just running 2 captures from separate terminals. Assuming display 1 has device index 0, and display 2 has device index 1, here are the steps: install gstreamer with brew install gstreamer Then open 2 terminal windows and launch the following processes: terminal 1 (device-index:0): gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=0 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink terminal 2 (device-index:1): gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=1 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink The first process that is launched will show the screen, the second process launched will not. Testing this on macOS Ventura and Sonoma works as expected, showing both screens. I submitted the same issue on Feedback Assistant: FB15900976
Capturing system audio no longer works with macOS Sequoia
Our capture application records system audio via HAL plugin, however, with the latest macOS 15 Sequoia, all audio buffer values are zero. I am attaching sample code that replicates the problem. Compile as a Command Line Tool application with Xcode. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Install BlackHole 2ch audio driver: Start some system audio, e.g. YouTube. Compile and run the sample application. On macOS up to Sonoma, you will hear audio via loopback and see audio values in the debug/console window. On macOS Sequoia, you will not hear audio and the audio values are 0. #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> #import <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h> #define BLACKHOLE_UID @"BlackHole2ch_UID" #define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_UID @"BuiltInSpeakerDevice" @interface AudioCaptureDelegate : NSObject <AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate> @end void setDefaultAudioDevice(NSString *deviceUID); @implementation AudioCaptureDelegate // receive samples from CoreAudio/HAL driver and print amplitute values for testing // this is where samples would normally be copied and passed downstream for further processing which // is not needed in this simple sample application - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection { // Access the audio data in the sample buffer CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer); if (!blockBuffer) { NSLog(@"No audio data in the sample buffer."); return; } size_t length; char *data; CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer(blockBuffer, 0, NULL, &length, &data); // Process the audio samples to calculate the average amplitude int16_t *samples = (int16_t *)data; size_t sampleCount = length / sizeof(int16_t); int64_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { sum += abs(samples[i]); } // Calculate and log the average amplitude float averageAmplitude = (float)sum / sampleCount; NSLog(@"Average Amplitude: %f", averageAmplitude); } @end // set the default audio device to Blackhole while testing or speakers when done // called by main void setDefaultAudioDevice(NSString *deviceUID) { AudioObjectPropertyAddress address; AudioDeviceID deviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown; UInt32 size; CFStringRef uidString = (__bridge CFStringRef)deviceUID; // Gets the device corresponding to the given UID. AudioValueTranslation translation; translation.mInputData = &uidString; translation.mInputDataSize = sizeof(uidString); translation.mOutputData = &deviceID; translation.mOutputDataSize = sizeof(deviceID); size = sizeof(translation); address.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID; address.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal; //???? address.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain; OSStatus status = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &address, 0, NULL, &size, &translation); if (status != noErr) { NSLog(@"Error: Could not retrieve audio device ID for UID %@. Status code: %d", deviceUID, (int)status); return; } AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAddress; propertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice; propertyAddress.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal; status = AudioObjectSetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &propertyAddress, 0, NULL, sizeof(AudioDeviceID), &deviceID); if (status == noErr) { NSLog(@"Default audio device set to %@", deviceUID); } else { NSLog(@"Failed to set default audio device: %d", status); } } // sets Blackhole device as default and configures it as AVCatureDeviceInput // sets the speakers as loopback so we can hear what is being captured // sets up queue to receive capture samples // runs session for 30 seconds, then restores speakers as default output int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { // Create the capture session AVCaptureSession *session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; // Select the audio device AVCaptureDevice *audioDevice = nil; NSString *audioDriverUID = nil; audioDriverUID = BLACKHOLE_UID; setDefaultAudioDevice(audioDriverUID); audioDevice = [AVCaptureDevice deviceWithUniqueID:audioDriverUID]; if (!audioDevice) { NSLog(@"Audio device %s not found!", [audioDriverUID UTF8String]); return -1; } else { NSLog(@"Using Audio device: %s", [audioDriverUID UTF8String]); } // Configure the audio input with the selected device (Blackhole) NSError *error = nil; AVCaptureDeviceInput *audioInput = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:audioDevice error:&error]; if (error || !audioInput) { NSLog(@"Failed to create audio input: %@", error); return -1; } [session addInput:audioInput]; // Configure the audio data output AVCaptureAudioDataOutput *audioOutput = [[AVCaptureAudioDataOutput alloc] init]; AudioCaptureDelegate *delegate = [[AudioCaptureDelegate alloc] init]; dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("AudioCaptureQueue", NULL); [audioOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; [session addOutput:audioOutput]; // Set audio settings NSDictionary *audioSettings = @{ AVFormatIDKey: @(kAudioFormatLinearPCM), AVSampleRateKey: @48000, AVNumberOfChannelsKey: @2, AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey: @16, AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey: @NO, AVLinearPCMIsNonInterleaved: @NO }; [audioOutput setAudioSettings:audioSettings]; AVCaptureAudioPreviewOutput * loopback_output = nil; loopback_output = [[AVCaptureAudioPreviewOutput alloc] init]; loopback_output.volume = 1.0; loopback_output.outputDeviceUniqueID = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_UID; [session addOutput:loopback_output]; const char *deviceID = loopback_output.outputDeviceUniqueID ? [loopback_output.outputDeviceUniqueID UTF8String] : "nil"; NSLog(@"session addOutput for preview/loopback: %s", deviceID); // Start the session [session startRunning]; NSLog(@"Capturing audio data for 30 seconds..."); [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:30.0]]; // Stop the session [session stopRunning]; NSLog(@"Capture session stopped."); setDefaultAudioDevice(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_UID); } return 0; }