I'm seeing this in SwiftUI with Map inside of a TabView. Presumably because Map doesn't use a standard scroll view?
var body: some View {
TabView {
Map(coordinateRegion: $region)
.tabItem { Label("Map", systemImage: "map") }
I’m having the same issue and haven’t yet found a workaround.
In addition I have a different issue with light mode where the background behind the sidebar navigation title is pure white instead of the light gray background behind the list below it.
Both of these are still present for me on Xcode 12.2.
Just adding that I have the same issue. And that nickredding - https://developers.apple.com/forums/thread/661873?answerId=637508022#637508022's workaround does the trick for me too.
Turns out I was just doing it wrong. I hadn't noticed that the app scene had a top level NavigationView. I removed the NavigationViews from ContentView and DestinationView and it all started working.