
Post marked as solved
53 Replies
Hi Natthakorn123,Is it possible that there will be support also with a response_mode with a standard get? I've created a subroutine with response_mode=form_post but I want to have less maintenance and to keep this in line with the oauth providers (linkedin, google+, facebook etc).
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53 Replies
Indeed, too bad, they revoked the feature (thank you for the communication), No GET-response from the anymore.Example:
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53 Replies
@aks_64You'll only get the emailaddress once from the token validation: in the id_tokenYou should save the email with the sub (identifier).
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53 Replies
@tsombreroUsed the following example (in delete your app, you get the email only the first time) is a GET response, then the token validation as described above with the field email in the id_tokenUse the sub-field as identifier
Post marked as solved
53 Replies
Thanks for this update! Also nice that the form_post is not required. The only note is that name is not in the response. Also the email/name field is should be always in the ID token (at this moment only with the startup). I'll make a workaround for this, but it is not the "standard"-way in the oauth procedure.
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53 Replies
This is a nice solution for the embeded Apple Web JS not for the OAUTH2 implementation.We should indeed verify this data. Perhaps the best solution is that the validation response: should have this (encode base64) user data (email and name) without the response_mode=form_post variable (also support get responses, see comment jeroen klippa).Example:[access_token] => a2293d83289aa41f7ad22de6844511826.0.mzuq.oCJsXOEXZQX1v8NQCQOy0g[token_type] => Bearer[expires_in] => 3600[refresh_token] =>[id_token] => REeyJraWQiOiJBSURPUEsxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBwbGVpZC5hcHBsZS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE1NjE0OTA2MTUsImlhdCI6MTU2MTUzMzU4OCwic3ViIjoiMDAwMTMyLmMzTWlPaUpvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkZ3Y0d4bGFXUWFzZHNhLjg5MTQiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiQnBiVmVmTm5waVBUY1BzcWt3VEppZyIsImVtYWlsX2R1bW15IjoiZXhhbXBsZUBwcml2YXRlcmVsYXkuYXBwbGVpZC5jb20ifQ==.SyCF8jT50FHALit-u9H_TyzPikirYnDq1RiDT3ennHQrNl0UcRE4bDmVM1qlG2cfHPH5OtpyQZIjGi_r9v7ZoN2EfyDGlg08yEWGwwCNlrCkcHcA9gjNN2RYmT4Yt3toRLgnwSDyzHOP6FS7I1kzwcdZmJTuGrYPThxe80F6rQABUWUBDAl2KgP7ujt1j8H3LrfV0r3RKTHA7azWWu9rVAFrx1_IeRk-ASDW0OPrqDJoF8YdZF1Da4-br-gTOt_LJhZFhuPh1WDgZj6AAcytTrSL4AhW2BrN_U0bMw47nw7k9OZbcbDNb-j3hEAkQdvZYEBHIRtEMxrzTAgs7oxbtg[iss] =>[aud] => [exp] => 1560776678[iat] => 1560776078[sub] => 000132.c3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwcGxlaWQasdsa.8914[at_hash] => SrJXsKX1f4FpGPFmiUPzUQ[user] => {"name":{"firstName":"Jane","middleName":"","":"Doe"},"email":""} (ENCODE BASE64)Is this a good solution for the OAUTH2 implementation?
Post marked as solved
53 Replies
Nice! For our release planning, is a release date and field name of the email in the id_token known at your side?
Post marked as solved
53 Replies
Same issue here, important how to fix this. Some technical details:The flow is working correctly as described in in the presentation scope has explicitly asked for email.After a succesfull login: Example Token request: validation response: Has the following response[access_token] => a2293d83289aa41f7ad22de6844511826.0.mzuq.oCJsXOEXZQX1v8NQCQOy0g[token_type] => Bearer[expires_in] => 3600[refresh_token] =>[id_token] => REeyJraWQiOiJBSURPUEsxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBwbGVpZC5hcHBsZS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE1NjE0OTA2MTUsImlhdCI6MTU2MTUzMzU4OCwic3ViIjoiMDAwMTMyLmMzTWlPaUpvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkZ3Y0d4bGFXUWFzZHNhLjg5MTQiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiQnBiVmVmTm5waVBUY1BzcWt3VEppZyIsImVtYWlsX2R1bW15IjoiZXhhbXBsZUBwcml2YXRlcmVsYXkuYXBwbGVpZC5jb20ifQ==.SyCF8jT50FHALit-u9H_TyzPikirYnDq1RiDT3ennHQrNl0UcRE4bDmVM1qlG2cfHPH5OtpyQZIjGi_r9v7ZoN2EfyDGlg08yEWGwwCNlrCkcHcA9gjNN2RYmT4Yt3toRLgnwSDyzHOP6FS7I1kzwcdZmJTuGrYPThxe80F6rQABUWUBDAl2KgP7ujt1j8H3LrfV0r3RKTHA7azWWu9rVAFrx1_IeRk-ASDW0OPrqDJoF8YdZF1Da4-br-gTOt_LJhZFhuPh1WDgZj6AAcytTrSL4AhW2BrN_U0bMw47nw7k9OZbcbDNb-j3hEAkQdvZYEBHIRtEMxrzTAgs7oxbtg[iss] =>[aud] => [exp] => 1560776678[iat] => 1560776078[sub] => 000132.c3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwcGxlaWQasdsa.8914[at_hash] => SrJXsKX1f4FpGPFmiUPzUQIn the response there is no (anonymous) email address.