




VisionOS GroupActivities WatchTogether
I have an application that is meant to be a "watch together" GroupActivity using SharePlay that coordinates video playback using AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator. In the current implementation, the activity begins before opening the AVPlayer, however when clicking the back button within the AVPlayer view, the user is prompted to "End Activity for Everyone" or "End Activity for just me". There is not an option to continue the group activity. My goal is to retain the same GroupSession, even if a user exits the AVPlayer view. Is there a way to avoid ending the session when coordinating playback using the AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator? private func startObservingSessions() async { sessionInfo = .init() // Await new sessions to watch video together. for await session in MyActivity.sessions() { // Clean up the old session, if it exists. cleanUpSession(groupSession) #if os(visionOS) // Retrieve the new session's system coordinator object to update its configuration. guard let systemCoordinator = await session.systemCoordinator else { continue } // Create a new configuration that enables all participants to share the same immersive space. var configuration = SystemCoordinator.Configuration() // Sets up spatial persona configuration configuration.spatialTemplatePreference = .sideBySide configuration.supportsGroupImmersiveSpace = true // Update the coordinator's configuration. systemCoordinator.configuration = configuration #endif // Set the app's active group session before joining. groupSession = session // Store session for use in sending messages sessionInfo?.session = session let stateListener = Task { await self.handleStateChanges(groupSession: session) } subscriptions.insert(.init { stateListener.cancel() }) // Observe when the local user or a remote participant changes the activity on the GroupSession let activityListener = Task { await self.handleActivityChanges(groupSession: session) } subscriptions.insert(.init { activityListener.cancel() }) // Join the session to participate in playback coordination. session.join() } } /// An implementation of `AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinatorDelegate` that determines how /// the playback coordinator identifies local and remote media. private class CoordinatorDelegate: NSObject, AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinatorDelegate { var video: Video? // Adopting this delegate method is required when playing local media, // or any time you need a custom strategy for identifying media. Without // implementing this method, coordinated playback won't function correctly. func playbackCoordinator(_ coordinator: AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator, identifierFor playerItem: AVPlayerItem) -> String { // Return the video id as the player item identifier. "\(video?.id ?? -1)" } } /// /// Initializes the playback coordinator for synchronizing video playback func initPlaybackCoordinator(playbackCoordinator: AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator) async { self.playbackCoordinator = playbackCoordinator if let coordinator = self.playbackCoordinator { coordinator.delegate = coordinatorDelegate } if let activeSession = groupSession { // Set the group session on the AVPlayer instances's playback coordinator // so it can synchronize playback with other devices. playbackCoordinator.coordinateWithSession(activeSession) } } /// A coordinator that acts as the player view controller's delegate object. final class PlayerViewControllerDelegate: NSObject, AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate { let player: PlayerModel init(player: PlayerModel) { self.player = player } #if os(visionOS) // The app adopts this method to reset the state of the player model when a user // taps the back button in the visionOS player UI. func playerViewController(_ playerViewController: AVPlayerViewController, willEndFullScreenPresentationWithAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) { Task { @MainActor in // Calling reset dismisses the full-window player. player.reset() } } #endif }
Jul ’24