




Reply to xcodebuild for generic/platform=iOS Simulator is failing on my MacBook
I am also facing this issue has anyone found any luck on this. I am making build using script and using single quotes only. Please find the script # archieve the build ARCHIEVE_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/${ASSET_BASENAME}/$EXPORT_METHOD/${PRODUCT_NAME}.xcarchive" (xcodebuild -workspace "$WORKSPACE" -scheme "$SCHEME" -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath "$ARCHIEVE_PATH" clean archive 1> /dev/null || xcodebuild -workspace "$WORKSPACE" -scheme "$SCHEME" -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath "$ARCHIEVE_PATH" clean archive || failed "XCode failed to build app") and I am getting following on the Jenkins console /Applications/ -workspace BroughSuperior.xcworkspace -scheme BroughSuperior -configuration Release -destination generic/platform=iOS -archivePath "administrator/testing-app5_ios_2023-05-05-10:10:33/enterprise/testing-app5.xcarchive" clean archive User defaults from command line: IDEArchivePathOverride = /Users/administrator/.jenkins/jobs/iOS Bruff dev/workspace/BroughSuperior/administrator/testing-app5_ios_2023-05-05-10:10:33/enterprise/testing-app5.xcarchive IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES Please help I can not use Xcode 13 now, since apple has stopped taking builds from Xcode 13. And the same command works in Xcode 13
May ’23
Reply to Find the navigationAction's position from WKWebView's "decidePolicyForNavigationAction:" call
let str2 = str.slice(from: "position", to: "request")                                      let xCor = str2?.slice(from: "= ", to:" y")                          let yCor = str2?.slice(from: "y = ", to: " ")                          let xVal = Double(xCor!)             let yVal = Double(yCor!)              extension String {     func slice(from: String, to: String) -> String? {            return (range(of: from)?.upperBound).flatMap { substringFrom in                (range(of: to, range: substringFrom..<endIndex)?.lowerBound).map { substringTo in                    String(self[substringFrom..<substringTo])                }            }        } } Hi, I used this code to separate the x and y coordinate from the description string provided. This is a workaround as I could not find anything better for now. Please let me know if anyone has better solution to this problem.
Feb ’22